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Business booster – 6 great reasons to get a virtual office address
Blog Post
Business is evolving; Technology continues to exert a profound influence on the way we work, and achieving a balance between our professional and personal lives has never been a higher priority. It should come as no surprise, then, that where we work is experiencing just as rapid a change. In days gone by, wrestling with snarling traffic on the twice-daily commute to get to and from an office was essentially the default state of being for almost all company employees. Anyone working from home was more often than not viewed with either a degree of cynical suspicion or that look reserved for the picture of a woman with two heads on Outbrain as you try to figure out whether it’s real or Photoshopped (FYI, it’s Photoshopped). How far we have come! Home offices, flex-working, telecommuting, remote working, freelancing – whatever hashtag you prefer, it’s challenging the status quo of how we go about the daily business of doing business (try saying that 5 times, really fast). An integral part of this revolution is the rise in popularity of alternative office arrangements, particularly virtual office solutions. Few innovations have contributed more to the diversity of workplace arrangements. The advantages of virtual offices are clear: work how and where you like, but maintain a reputable business address, receptionist and admin services and access to essential facilities when required. The simplicity of the concept is precisely what makes it such a perfect option for so many types of organisations. Let’s look at a few reasons you may want to consider a virtual office for your company or enterprise:
Maintaining a traditional office makes little sense for many small businesses, start-ups or freelancers. If you’re a solo operator or a nascent operation with a small head-count, why purchase or lease a commercial property, when you can enjoy so many of the same amenities without the hassle or expense? For such businesses, a virtual office just makes better practical sense.
As alluded to above, acquiring and maintaining a regular office is an expensive undertaking. Even if you’re merely renting, in almost all cases, you’ll have to cover all utilities and much of the maintenance out of your own pocket, in addition to your monthly rental fees or mortgage repayments. By contrast, a virtual office can be secured for a tiny fraction of the cost, yet still provide the professional image that you need to take your enterprise to the next level.
“But I LOVE sitting in gridlocked traffic for an hour and a half, twice a day!” said nobody, ever. The daily commute is a monumental cost to us as individuals and as a society. Think of all the petrol and vehicle expenses, the lost time that could be spent being productive or with family, or the increase in stress levels as you navigate the transport insanity. Fortunately, the drive or public transport crush is no longer a necessary evil, and every day more firms and individuals are rethinking their options.
Perhaps you’ve already got yourself a handy little office space (we won’t judge you, promise!), but it doesn’t present your organisation in the way that you’d like. That tired, hard to reach location in the outer-suburbs might suit your purposes on many levels. However, when you hand someone your business card or they visit your website, you need to present a more robust, polished image to would-be clients.
Anyone running a home office will be familiar with the knot in the pit of your stomach when it comes to listing your business address anywhere, especially online. Once it’s out there, it’s available for everyone to see and anybody who wishes to do so can instantly jump onto Google Maps Street View and check out where you live. For those concerned about protecting the privacy of their home and family, the opportunity to get a virtual office address offers a simple, affordable way to secure a neutral address.
A growing number of organisations are opting to ditch the traditional office environment altogether. In addition to the well-documented cost, productivity and other advantages, taking your company virtual opens access to an almost unlimited pool of potential talent. The moment you settle on a physical office, you immediately limit your prospective workforce to those willing and/or able to commute to that location. Freeing yourself from these geographic bonds means that you can take advantage of the most talented people from anywhere in your city, interstate or even overseas. As a business owner, you know what an immense competitive advantage outstanding staff can make to your company. Nothing inspires us here at APSO more than helping growing businesses achieve their goals. So, if any of these descriptions sound like you, perhaps it’s time to get a virtual office address. Contact us today to discuss the exceptional options available for virtual offices in Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide.